This page displays the terms and conditions of Book A Time, trading name under the company Usher NZ Limited. By using this site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions and it is your responsibility that you check to ensure you are aware of the current terms and conditions. In these terms and conditions, “We” and “Book A Time” refer to, company registered under Usher NZ Limited. Book A Time reserve the right to change these terms and conditions without any notice. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, you must abstain from using Book A Time website and mobile app. We reserve the right to remove, suspend and make changes to our website/mobile app at any time, without prior notice.

For Users

Registering as a member: Registering as a member is free for Book A Time users. By using this site/app, you warrant that you are legally capable of entering into binding contracts and you are at least 18 years old.

Third Party Information: We are not responsible for the information provided by the third party is not accurate, complete or current. Book A Time is not responsible for the condition or content of third party sites and we make no representation or warranties of any kind as to the operation (including privacy and security) or accuracy of information or content on third party websites.

Security: You are responsible for the software and tools used to access the Website. You must not use the website for any activity that breaches with any laws on a third party’s rights directly or indirectly. You must not collect information about others without their consent, including email addresses.

When you make booking through Book A Time, you are obliged to following terms and conditions,

  • Book A Time take no responsibility of bookings declined or cancelled by businesses. We take no responsibility of any charges or loss arising from booking cancellations. Customers may contact businesses directly for any explanation that they need in relations to their bookings.
  • Businesses are responsible to contact users in case of any changes in their bookings.
  • Users are responsible for maintaining their personal information on our website and the information which we supply to the businesses at the time of booking.
  • Book A Time is only a platform providing medium between end users and businesses. We do not take any responsibility for any pricing or any other dispute.

  • We reserve the right to cancel a membership if more than one complains are received for last minutes cancellation or no show up without a valid reason.

  • In case of any technical outage on our website and mobile app, we are not liable to pay any compensation to anyone.

  • Users are responsible to keep your login information such as email address and password safe and secure.

  • Book A Time is not responsible for any ratings and reviews posted by users regarding the services or charges of the services. However, we reserve the right to remove any inappropriate comments.

For Businesses / Service Providers

Membership: There is no minimum term of membership. You can cancel, and amend your subscription at any time. If businesses decide to unsubscribe in the middle of the month, the fee will be charged for the whole month and you will not be charged a cancellation fee. You can re-subscribe at any time following your cancellation and we reserve the right not to permit re-subscription. 

Modifications to Services and Prices: Time to time we may need to amend prices relation to services. You will be notified by email no less than 30 days, before the changes take effect. You are under no obligation to accept those prices and may suspend the services if you wish to.

By using Book A Time, you are obliged to following terms and conditions,

  • Book A Time take no responsibility of false bookings, no show, and last-minute cancellations. We take no responsibility of any charges or loss arising from booking cancellations.
  • Businesses are responsible to adhere policy of maintaining customer information supplied through our website. We take no responsibility of the information provided by the users for the services.

  • Book A Time is only a platform providing medium between end users and businesses. We do not take any responsibility for any pricing or any other dispute.

  • We reserve the right to cancel a subscription if more than one complaint is received for cancelling customers bookings unnecessary or without a valid reason.

  • In case of any technical outage on our website and mobile app, we are not liable to pay any compensation to anyone.

  • By signing up with us you allow us to display all your business-related information on our website. We reserve the right to remove any content (wordings /images) that does not comply with the law or our standards/guidelines including any language that may be offensive for a person or group of people.

  • You are responsible to keep your login information such as email address and password safe and secure.

Book A Time is not responsible for any ratings and reviews posted by users regarding the services or charges of the services. However, we reserve the right to remove any inappropriate comments.